Monday 15 December 2014


Media Magazine 47: The case study issue

1) The Google glass article introduces the concept of Google glass and the features it holds. The positives and drawbacks of the product are also explained along with the limitations. The article is also linked to globalistion and the theories which relate to Google glass such as Stanley Cohen's moral panic.

2) A positive effect of globalisation outlined in the article is the opportunity that Google have given to rural areas to have access to the internet. One example is a rural area of New Zealand, where Google launched their Project Loon in June 2013. Large balloons fitted with radio antenna devices were released into the air to float above, offering people living there the ability to access internet for the first time. If successful, Google planned to release many more balloons and provide other rural areas with this opportunity such as East Asia and Africa

3) A negative effect of globalisation outlined in the article is the concentration of ownership and the possibility that smaller companies have little or no hope of staking a claim on the global market as they won’t be able to compete. Moreover, only a limited number of companies dominate the global market and in the main only distribute the majority of the world’s wealth amongst themselves. The FT500 for 2013 shows Google placed in at number 15 on the list. It was also in the top 10 companies featured on the list, eight of these are American owned.

4) Moral panic: An instance of public anxiety or alarm in response to a problem regarded as         threatening the moral standards of society - Stanley Cohen

    Techno-panic: Moral panic that centres around fears regarding a specific contemporary -
Marwick 2008

5) There are several concerns regarding data and privacy with Google glass. The article states how someone wearing Google glass can easily walk around and take pictures of or film people and the general public without anyone being able to realise. This is a major privacy concern as permission for someone to be filmed or have their picture taken is not given. Also, Google glass can record all the sound it picks up and can come with facial recognition software, therefore people can be identified even in a large crowd.

6)  In my opinion, I do not believe that globalisation is something we should be worried about, however it is something that we need to be aware and careful of. Globalisation is not something that we can stop or control but we can build our knowledge on new developments around the world and be cautious of things like Google glass which have privacy concerns. The 'global village' that theorist McLuhan speaks about is something we should embrace as long as it leads to positive impacts. 

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